LiveOnNY Judaism & Organ Donation Issues and Answers


May 24, 2022    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Type

This program is co-sponsored by Westchester Jewish Council.

100,000 people are dying. We can help.
Though saving a life is a supreme Jewish value, many Jews pass on
the opportunity to donate life-saving organs after death despite strong
support for donation from ALL major denominations of Judaism.
Why are we so hesitant?

• Rabbi Ari Perl, Vice President of Multicultural Engagement at LiveOnNY, will provide a
statistical overview, demystify the process of deceased organ donation and address relevant
issues of Jewish law (Halakha) & ethics.
• Westchester resident Andrea Danziger will share reflections on her own family’s decision to
save lives while grappling with tragic loss.
• Rabbi David Holtz of Temple Beth Abraham will introduce the program and Cantor Margot
Goldberg of TBA will lead a closing prayer.
• Significant time will be allotted for participant Q & A.

To register for this free event, scan QR code or visit:
For more information contact:
To learn more about about Judaism & organ donation visit Symposium Flyer 2022_2